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James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Dalek, in case you're confused, this forum is a place where many people who have a genuine interest and/or involvement in motorsports visit daily. Posting those images was bound to offend anyone who is a genuine follower of F1, or indeed any kind of motorsports.

Please think harder in future before posting such content.


i remember seening tht race live and i was only bout 3-4 very upsetting and somthing tht should be left alone.

I am a big F1 fan and i can stay calm about fatel crashes but its when people want to make somthing about tht tragedy tht pisses me off.:cry:
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from Dalek0220 :Can some make the Senna 1994 helmet.(he is a hero to me, i wrote my own report about him) The one before he was killed, and the destroyed onw

That is a very upsetting helmet and picture to see and if anyone would actuly make tht, then they are wierd.

Senna should only hav his proper helmet otherwise big big senna fans could get upset with it.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from Knight_Atack :You folks are rather lucky. Since all these helmets had parts of each other, it was simply easier to simply finish them and release them (like the '97 and unbranded '01).

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy them, especially the requested ones. I've been waiting to make the '95 for a while now, and well, it's done!

Helmet of Michael Schumacher 1995 edition.
Helmet of Michael Schumacher 1997 edition.
Helmet of Michael Schumacher 2001 edition.
Helmet of Michael Schumacher 2001 edition. (unbranded)
Helmet of Michael Schumacher 2001 edition. (US GP)

By the way, ALL the skins are already on LFS World, so you don't need to load them up.

This skin is free for public use, but please don't edit it and stuff.


Briliant Thx
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from abalazs :Adobe Photoshop 5.0

James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Is there going to be a skin pack 07? if so, can someone PM me the file, thx
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
o cool, which one? classic schu or USA or italy helmet?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Can't see why not, also is there a classic schumacher helmet?

From his benetton days, if any one has one can they send me the skin plz,

James Montgomery
S2 licensed
god i should have known that

Thx for info though
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :Here are a few video-pieces. First from the 70s, when the track was still sometimes used, but the tape ran out during the lap, so the author drove again there 10 years later, when the track was already in a horrible shape.
It's the same author as in the link above. You can click corners on the map to get to stereo-images of the corner.


Where is that track and was it an old F1 track?

Also i would like to see old nurbering in, a spechaly designed karting track for MRT and something like brands hatch, good course with plenty of different corners and hills, also mabe a few more rally courses?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Thts a good attempt, what programe do you use?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed

I dno why u dont just get a picture of earth from google earth
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :Like the person above has stated, its a joke skin. Kinda fun to be in a server with a bunch of UF's with serious and highly detailed skins, and then you have a green mini that looks like a little kid got to with his crayola crayons.

lol Fair enough

But i thought it says at the start of the forom "finished and proper skins"

Just saying
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :I believe i have made the best skin evar?

Please, this is private skin, so dont steal. =)

Personaly i dont know how come its tht grate.

Its just green with writing on, no actual livaries, just some one writing on there car.

How old are you?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from Knight_Atack :Well, actually, Schumi did wear such a helmet at the American (Indianapolis) Grand Prix in 2001 [link] [link]. He also wore the Italian colors at Monza in 2004 [link]

Im a huge F1 fan and i never ever noticed the helmet in USA, the one in italy i knew about but never the USA one.

you live and learn.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :Well, then it wouldn't be a Schumi helmet would it?

LMAO how true
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
ok lets get one thing sorted,

1: we did not ditch you, we left the team because of all the problems you have caused.

2: dont lie about injerys as that is somthing serious and no offence to LFS lovers but at the end of the day, its only a game.

3: Do not ruin robs chances of joining a decent team, he desrves it and if any other team are reading this, do go for rob, hes consistenet as well as quick.

4: If you have anymore problems, go speak to me on msn, im on now.

Now leave this part of the forum for its main thing, getting rob into a decent team.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
ok niko, shut up, you have done stupid things so dont stop rob from getting into a decent team, please
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
ok thanks
James Montgomery
S2 licensed

And i thought they were jpg.

(how i do tht?)
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Personaly, i prefered the first skin, but that 1 is good as well.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Considering im stuck with paint, im very happy with this job.

It is uploaded so you can use it.

Give me some tips for a guy stuck with paint if you think i need any, and tell me what you think, thx

(last photo i took coz it looked cool with low rear wing)
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
username: james montgomery
Miles: (roughly) 20,000
Rating: Short tempered bugger that has a go at everyone
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :I can be a bastard sometimes, but I don't take the piss out of people with genuine difficulties, whatever they may be and you spelt it just fine

I certainly didn't mean 'illiterate' for the majority of your post, only the 'ny' and 'u' etc... I don't criticise people's spelling on forums.. christ, I make enough typos / grammatical errors myself when I type and I'm pretty good in the spelling / grammar department.. it's just that these days, it seems that kids don't get a proper education and it's all "u r t3h c00l".. and that really bugs me, the same as people using 'w/' for 'with' (I mean, htf did that come about!? ). It just shows a complete lack of education and laziness to me.

Anyway.. I definitely wasn't taking the piss and the spelling itself in your post I wasn't making a comment on, only the text I see associated with kids that have a mobile phone permanently stuck to their thumbs.

Apologies if I caused offence, but hope you understand I wasn't aiming my comments at your general spelling (just the "txt stuff") and obviously had no idea of the situation.



thanks, i do beter in some spelling then others, i practice & learn but others i forget, nyway, i was saying that becos some one i think caled jakg was calling me a tosser becos of the way i spelt dyslexia.

p.s trying best spelling from now on, but i will use a txt lingo if its on words im not shore on.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
ok yes the car choice is weird, but if u drive with the wheel tht was desined for it, its realy realistic, i still say the racing is crap
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
ok im only going 2 say this once,

i am dyslexic, (do not call me a tosser coz im not sure if thts how u spell tht, know how 2 say it but spell no) some words r harder then others so i use txt lingo, to speak.

Plz dont take the p***